Thursday, 16 October 2014

Half Term Opening Times

Half-Term Break 

Turn Around Opening Times

Turn Around will be open for half-term catch-up sessions on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th from 10.30 am til 1 pm.
All are welcome. We will back open at normal times from Monday 3rd November.

Homework Club

Homework Club at BGTP

In conjunction with the Bromley Gypsy & Traveller Project, Turn Around have started a term-time after-school Homework Club on Tuesdays from 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm. The club is a drop-in, free and open to all. Help with homework and support with reading is available. 
Please talk to Frances or James at BGTP or call Lynn at Turn Around 01689 835079 for more info.

Rotary Club Award

Turn Around are very happy to announce the good news that Bromley Rotary Club have awarded us £1000 towards resources. We have been able to re-stock the children's after-school sticker shop, as many of our younger students who have been busy collecting stickers are aware of. Prizes on offer include, books, pencil cases, gel pens and geometry sets.

Turn Around have also used some of the grant to buy new book titles and we now have a burgeoning collection of Gypsy & Traveller titles including 'Rokkering with the Gorrijos' , 'Stopping Places' and 'Gypsy Storytellers'.

Christmas Holidays

 Turn Around is closed until Tuesday 4th January. We hope you have a safe and restful holiday. New students are always welcome, call 0779438...